
Chapter 9

Ciara's P.O.V

Today is the day my mother is released from the hospital. I am so happy, we're finally going to have her home with us where she belongs , I missed her so much it feels like she's been gone for years, it was so hard without her for me , for Assiyah and mostly for Kahyden.


Not so different Pt.1

~~~~~~ The Kodjoe's, Bel Air, L.A  4:55 p.m ~~~~~~

"Mom, it's not that kind of party, it's a slumber party , we're njust going to get mani pedi, drink tea and go to sleep.I wont miss school tomorrow I swear. Pleeeeaaase let me go."

"Nicki, I don't care, if you want to go to a strip club, the only reason why you're not going is that your father has a business diner with a potential investor and you have to be there to make a good impression besides they are bringing their daughter along and you both are same age. So you're coming. End of conversation"

"So, you are telling me that I can't go to Cassie's like I had planned for a month because dad needs me to go there and play a fucking role in order to make it look like we are a perfect family that we are not, well you know what fuck that shit I ain't go..."
Nicki felt a sharp pain on her cheek, she put her hand to her cheek, the pain soon became a burning sensation.


I Want You pt. 6

Nicki was staring at his face on the screen waiting for an answer and wondering what Drake could possibly be thinking.

"Say something because I'm starting to think that I should take your silence as a yes."

"NO ! No,no there ain't nothing between Rihanna and I told you you're the only one I care about."

"Well, I still need an explanation Drake. Look I know you told me not to believe whatever I read and I try not to, I try to ignore the magazines and the blogs I swear I do but these pictures I saw, I just can't forget about them, I need to know."

" I understand where you're coming from but first I need you to know that I would never ever do you like that Nicki. I need you to trust me."

"I know, I know that. And I trust you. I just need an explanation on that one so I can stop going crazy. "

"Ok, so what do you want me to explain ?"

"I want to know why you been spending so much time with her and why y'all look so close , I mean you holding hands and stuff. It's weird from here"


I Want You Part 6 *Sneak Peak*

Nicki was staring at his face on the screen waiting for an answer and wondering what Drake could possibly be thinking.

"Say something because I'm starting to think that I should take your silence as a yes."

"NO ! No,no there ain't nothing between Rihanna and I told you you're the only one I care about."

"Well, I still need an explanation Drake. Look I know you told me not to believe whatever I read and I try not to, I try to ignore the magazines and the blogs I swear I do but these pictures I saw, I just can't forget about them, I need to know."

" I understand where you're coming from but first I need you to know that I would never ever do you like that Nicki. I need you to trust me."

"I know, I know that. And I trust you. I just need an explanation on that one so I can stop going crazy. "

"Ok, so what do you want me to explain ?"

"I want to know why you been spending so much time with her and why y'all look so close , I mean you holding hands, and stuff. It's weird from here"